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Logo & Branding Logo & Branding

About the brand

Lnin arrives on the fashion scene with a clear message: style can be effortless and comfortable. They specialize in cotton linen fabrics, designing clothes that are as practical as they are stylish. They are looking for a brand identity that follows minimalist approach.

Sketches and Process

Designing Lnin’s logo involved a series of sketches and iterations, which helped in getting a better understanding of the brand’s vision and the preferences of their audience. The accuracy of my process is supported by the mood board and preliminary research I carry out. Here is a glimpse into some of my sketching process. ​

Logo Concepts

These were the two design concepts presented to the company. These focused on natural materials and simple beauty.


This was the concept chosen and finalized and can be seen displayed on their Instagram page and Website

Print and Clothing Tags